Thank goodness we're settling into a normal beginning of school year routine. I have two middle school children and they were glad to get the first day of school over with. With all of the various budget cuts, we were told that Springdale is no longer being served by the school bus because we are close enough to be in the "walking zone". After much concern about the lack of a crossing guard at Leesville Road and the distance to the back of the neighborhood, thankfully the school system seems to have changed its mind. The reestablishment of the bus route conflicts with recent official correspondence from the school system saying otherwise, so I wanted to spread the word that route #20 is back in business. Do you think you could spread the word around to parents who may not realize that we have bus service again? I'm concerned that people may not know and the bus service may be cancelled if enough people aren't taking advantage of it. Thanks! John Norwood 8412 Sawyer