Here is the latest version of the directory. If you requested updates, please review this version. There have been some questions about BOLD names. If you paid SEA dues in 2014 or 2015, your listing will be BOLD. Some of you have just now sent in your dues. The treasurer is on vacation, so I do not have the latest payment records. He said he would check the PO Box on Monday 7/6 and get me any updates. I will make those changes and take the directory to the printers on Tuesday 7/7. Everyone will be getting a hard copy once they are ready. I will also send out the final version as a PDF. Paul MacDougal Directory Committee p.s. If you want to check if you have paid your dues, that information is available on the website. Go to this page: and follow the link for your address. Note that this info is as of June 14, 2015.